Focus on foods containing vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, B-complex, which directly help to improve the status of orange skin. Their lack tries to remove the-counter dietary supplements in pharmacies. Drink a lot! You definitely put principle drink more than three liters of fluid a day. The best are herbal teas, carbonated table water, fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

Pamper your body - Massage, sauna, herbal bath-effective weapon in the fight against cellulite. Every day try a full body massage, preferably under a shower. Use specially made sponges, brushes, gloves, disks, which are not only better blood circulation through the skin, but also help applying different cosmetics. Sauna as adjunct therapy is recommended only in the event that you have an elevated blood pressure, fever, or infectious diseases. Spa wraps and indulge at least once a week.

Although cosmetics can help - Selecting effective cosmetic greatly affect the progress of cellulite. Good results will fail the next day, but only after prolonged and especially regular use.

Exercise will worsen cellulite - Cellulite is basically metabolic inflammation, which originated from a long period of excessive consumption of carbohydrates (as it may be insulin and its metabolic effect), resulting in a change in the functioning of the brain (hypothalamus - the part of the brain responsible for the regulation of food intake). This change, however, in women happens very often, because their eating is in very poor condition (same cereal, lots of carbs, healthy low fat, low protein, and low fluid.)

How to fight cellulite - Up to 90 percent of women have cellulite is a huge problem. Cover the legs under long skirts and stay in the water for them becomes a nightmare does not realize that proper care can against his great enemy of fighting.

Bumps simply did not suggest either of us. Beautiful smooth skin requires a lot of effort and sacrifice. We have to earn it easily. It is not enough to buy an expensive cream and think that orange skin magically disappears. Only the right combination of steps you can achieve satisfying results.

Move, move, and once the movement - Sitting on the couch watching TV rid of cellulite! Why not start the bike, or go for a swim? Physical activity supports the work of the vessels, and hence the blood circulation foot. Without moving it definitely will not go.

 Between the ideal sports include water aerobics, brisk walking, dancing, stretching, or simple strengthening exercises. Try also special training programs for individual problem areas.

We are what we eat - Updated daily diet represents the struggle with orange skin need. Limit your intake of fatty foods, sugars and salt. Prefer lean poultry meat, fish and soy meat. In their preparation, use olive oil and refuel serving fresh vegetables and fruit. Diet must be balanced mainly, try to eat regularly.

Sometimes symptoms can be very significant in terms of tens of pearly white scars. You totally removed again a laser. However, to mitigate the effects can be seen. It is important to choose the appropriate cosmetics.
Fixed belly - Once you put up a fight cellulite, tighten and do not want to directly exterminate the other parts? What about belly.

After the children it's not something like that, but yet do not suffer from obesity. Do you suffer from weakness rather dull and lifeless appearance of the skin? Start practicing and training with appropriate support. It'll work itself, you see.

While you sleep - There is nothing more magical than go to sleep and let others trying for you. In this case, you will sweat for anti-cellulite products that adapt to night mode your body and actively break down fats. Is not it amazing?
Stiffen peeling - What can you do for the beauty of your skin even before they apply the product against cellulite? Apply peeling.

 Gross consistency Scrub disturb the top layer of skin, dead skin cells are removed, the microcirculation starts regenerating stage and activates fat breakdown. This is the ideal moment to apply the product smoothing the rough terrain problem areas.

Preventive package - Leave anything to chance, once cellulite will definitely return, in combination with the movement, plenty of fluids and some definitely the cream to prevent its occurrence or at least minimize the damage, if you are on your thighs and butt fucked off in winter, now is the time to correct the error.

With the cellulite removal all you enhance your skin (without surgery) can do is delete, to drink a least a bit of a stir. The result is not guaranteed, but if you continue, the improvement is definitely a result.
Within ten days -

A sedentary lifestyle is the appearance of cellulite fertile soil. If you are going to strip down to swimsuits, the chances are that you would need a week narrowed the volume of the thighs and buttocks and upper hand ironed skin is minimal. Solve a problem that goes solve. Choose an intensive seven or ten day bark, just made to extinguish a burning issue. And this year's first swimsuit promenade certainly is.

Stubborn Cellulite - For stubborn cellulite considers the deformation of the skin, which you simply won’t tried everything, nothing worked, came the resignation.

 Do not despair - for you there is a solution. Most take products containing caffeine or extracts of seaweed has positive effect on cellulite retreat the application of the drainage effect in combination with rough massage unsightly areas.
Softens stretch marks - Another problem, which is removed

so complicated, stretch marks are formed rapid stretching of the skin. They are thus often results in rapid weight gain and subsequent weight loss, pregnant moms troubled and sometimes teenage girls who grow up faster.

I believe the only reason that really keeps you here - is that you have made all these changes, but on a conscious level, you are not convinced that they occurred.
And because the weight cannot just disappear overnight, you are not able to suffer doubts over many months relative to the fantastic work that you are doing.
Then two weeks later, when the difference really starts to become noticeable, you will take to convince myself that all this was just nonsense, and better - in any case, it is easier and more enjoyable - to go back to their old beliefs harmful.

So instead, you can do that here. You learn the reasons that I have outlined - the reasons why it is important not to know about certain things - and understand how you feel now that you have, no matter what, those factors have changed in the past that prevented you lose weight, although these factors, there has long.

And now let your sections are merged into a single force that can help you move forward and develop. You can reunite and become one. And while you're still somewhat protected something totally different from what protects you before, and you will be able to observe your diet and have fun, you seem very simple affair now there is only healthy organic foods.

For the weight loss process you will enjoy physical exercise, walking, dancing. With every breath they will bring you energy, and you can make a dash away from your former figure to a convenient figure that you have now, when you're telling yourself positive things. You will notice that you will feel more confidence and begin to feel better.

Life gets better. And when you hear inside skeptical inner voice, tell yourself "stop" ... and find more promising and constructive way to solve these problems.

And talk with them in a friendlier manner. After all, what you are convinced that you and reach. So believe when I tell you that this is true, and more importantly, believe in yourself and believe in what you have done this change, and note that followed.

 Look for changes that increase the energy that comes back to you now.
What types of physical activity are better suited for weight loss - What diet is good to move more, know even lazy. But let us still be clear:

 muscle - functionally active tissue consuming for their needs fats and carbohydrates. The higher activity of the larger muscle consumed nutrients. Important for us to arrange it so that muscle was burnt more fat and less carbohydrates. Why? Yes, because the carbohydrates in the body and so little. And they need to supply the brain.

If physical activity will burn too many carbohydrates, their number in the blood begin to decline and develop hypoglycemia - a rather unpleasant condition directly related to low blood sugar. How is it manifested? First of all is the unbearable hunger and almost uncontrolled eating behavior, if food is available. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

Other symptoms: weakness, confusion attention, sometimes headache, irritability, aggression, depressed mood. Therefore, the tactics - "training as much as possible, the exercise intensity - as high as possible to get tired - so tired, drive themselves, then to barely crawl" we definitely do not fit.

After all, with such loads too intense, accompanied by fatigue and loss of strength, burn fat just does not have time. To make it clear to the untrained human too intensive training is something like running until you drop, a lot of sweat, palpitations, so that seems about to jump out of the heart, the pulse, if you count not less than 140 per minute, from high blood pressure often dark eyes, and always short of breath.

This is when more than 20 breaths per minute and still do not have enough air. Compare the way, for an untrained person to run 500 meters jog - a very heavy load, while any of us could easily go on foot and five kilometers, and, if needed, and all ten.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2014

