Focus on foods containing vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, B-complex, which directly help to improve the status of orange skin. Their lack tries to remove the-counter dietary supplements in pharmacies. Drink a lot! You definitely put principle drink more than three liters of fluid a day. The best are herbal teas, carbonated table water, fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

Pamper your body - Massage, sauna, herbal bath-effective weapon in the fight against cellulite. Every day try a full body massage, preferably under a shower. Use specially made sponges, brushes, gloves, disks, which are not only better blood circulation through the skin, but also help applying different cosmetics. Sauna as adjunct therapy is recommended only in the event that you have an elevated blood pressure, fever, or infectious diseases. Spa wraps and indulge at least once a week.

Although cosmetics can help - Selecting effective cosmetic greatly affect the progress of cellulite. Good results will fail the next day, but only after prolonged and especially regular use.

Exercise will worsen cellulite - Cellulite is basically metabolic inflammation, which originated from a long period of excessive consumption of carbohydrates (as it may be insulin and its metabolic effect), resulting in a change in the functioning of the brain (hypothalamus - the part of the brain responsible for the regulation of food intake). This change, however, in women happens very often, because their eating is in very poor condition (same cereal, lots of carbs, healthy low fat, low protein, and low fluid.)

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    January 2014

